The Hindu Temple of Virginia- Balaji Temple

22510 S.Sterling Blvd, Suite #120, Sterling VA 20164.    Ph: 703-373-7326    Email:

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Annaprasadam - Saturday - $301

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You can sponsor online , in-person and puja will be performed on your family name. Puja at 4pm on Sundays

Annaprasadam - Sunday - $101

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You can sponsor online , in-person and puja will be performed on your family name. Puja at 4pm on Sundays

Annaprasadam - Weekday - $51

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You can sponsor online , in-person and puja will be performed on your family name. Puja at 4pm on Sundays

Pushpa kainkaryam - $51

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Flowers bring immense beauty and fragnance to the temple. Thank you for your sponsorship.

Vasthra Kainkaryam (Special day) - $501

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You can sponsor online , in-person and puja will be performed on your family name. Puja at 4pm on Sundays

Vastra Kainkaryam - $101

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You can sponsor online , in-person and puja will be performed on your family name. Puja at 4pm on Sundays

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